Energy Security and the Electrical Contractor

Energy Security and the Electrical Contractor is a white paper that was written by Dr. Tom Glavinich. The paper addresses how the electrical contractor will play a key role in assuring that the U.S. will have an adequate and reliable electric power supply in the future. As emerging small-scale generating technologies such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, microturbines, and others become economically viable, there will be a shift from the traditional central power plant to local distributed generation (DG). These small-scale generation technologies will be incorporated into commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) buildings to meet the increasing demand for electric power. In addition, state-of-the-art building control and automation systems will also result in increased CII building efficiency thereby reducing the demand on the utility grid. This paper discusses the important role that these technologies and the electrical contractor will play in ensuring a secure U.S. electric power supply in the 21st Century.



Thomas E. Glavinich


University of Kansas

Publication Date:

February 2004

Format & Size:

Soft cover; iii and 13 pages

Index Number:


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