Welcome to ELECTRI’s Research Engagement Hub!


ELECTRI is actively shaping the future of the electrical contracting industry by offering invaluable insights through surveys, interviews and contractor feedback.  Below are our current research projects that need your help.


  • AI implementation Roadmap for Electrical Contractors: We are actively recruiting computer scientists and AI specialists to join our focus group discussion and explore the technological maturity, implementation opportunities, and return on investments of pressing AI needs in the electrical contracting industry. A compensation of up to $500 will be provided after completing our five- to ten-hour focus group and working sessions. Please email Bing Han at bing.2.han@ucdenver.edu if you are interested.


  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI): We need to interview contractors who have some level of real experience using AI in construction. This will help us to determine the ways in which AI should or should not be used in electrical construction based on practice-based evidence. Please SIGN UP HERE to participate in an interview with this form.


  • Cost of Inexperience and Schedule Compression: Inexperience in construction impacts how projects are delivered in terms of schedule, cost, and quality. With the looming labor cliff and the ever-growing need to deliver infrastructure and buildings projects for our communities, we need to understand how inexperience is affecting our projects today to start to collaboratively build solutions for the future. To explore our current challenges, and to those who are willing to share their professional experience, please reach out Amelia Celoza (Amelia.Celoza@Colorado.edu) to schedule a call if you are interested.


  • Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) Time Study: Participation involves providing data on how your employees allocate their time among VDC activities, categorized into four types: modeling, management & coordination (both internal and external), and fabrication support. This will be based on a schema developed by our research team, encompassing over twenty distinct activities, each defined to avoid overlap and ensure accurate time tracking. The data collection process is expected to last for a year, starting in February 2024. During the pilot study, participants stated that it took less than 15 minutes per day to participate in the time-tracking tasks. Fill out the consent form by CLICKING HERE. The University of Washington research team will then send information about how to create accounts and participate in the data collection. The time study utilizes the Clockify platform and Microsoft Forms, thus requiring you to set up an account and submit the necessary forms. The research team at the University of Washington is available to assist in guiding you through this process.


  • Lean Survey: ELECTRI is partnering with the Lean Construction Institute and Dodge Construction Network to study the national utilization of Lean in design and construction. The 12-15 minute survey will reveal important benchmarking data to determine the progress of Lean use throughout the industry. To thank you for your participation, upon completing the survey, you will be eligible to receive a copy of the findings of this study and LCI’s Lean Deployment Guide. Take the survey HERE.


Any questions or would like to learn more, contact Amanda Harbison at amanda@electri.org.

If you would like to join a research Task Force please sign up HERE.