From Field to Office: A Management Training Program

Successful project execution relies on the quality and experience of project managers. When a company desires to promote field workers from within the organization to management-type positions, then the company should be aware of potential gaps in important management skills. The results of a survey of field electricians who moved into project management positions along with others who have worked primarily in management identified several skills gaps between field workers and project managers. These gaps include skills such as conflict management, team building, listening, business orientation, stress management, ability to negotiate, ability to manage schedule, ability to manage funds, financial management, and organizational skills. Development of a training program to bridge these identified skills gaps is suggested along with an example course syllabus and key learning objectives. The desired outcome of this research is the eventual development of instructional materials based on the identified skills gaps that can lead to improved management and successful completion of project work.



Callie French
Susan Bogus


University of New Mexico

Publication Date:

February 2016

Format & Size:

.pdf; 44 pages

Index Number:


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