The ELECTRI International / NECA Green Energy Challenge marks a yearly highlight for NECA Student Chapters. Teams agree that the popular Challenge is stimulating because it makes them focus on problem solving by thinking in new, creative ways.

2019 Green Energy Challenge Winners
(L to R) Illinois Institute of Technology, Iowa State University, University of Toronto

2019 Challenge Overview

Using their surrounding area, teams were challenged to design an energy upgrade for a facility that provides community services to others. Examples would include a homeless shelter, food pantry, daycare center, library, house of worship, etc.

Teams were required to prepare a proposal showing how their chosen facility can decrease its energy consumption by incorporating energy saving measures and distributed energy resources. Teams were advised to emphasize detailed technical solutions for proposed systems, including lighting and integrated window treatments/controls, and the re-design of an energy efficiency program that responds to the unique needs of the building and climate.

2019 Green Energy Challenge Winner

1st Place: Iowa State University

2019 Green Energy Challenge Best Presenter Winner

Kayla Youngblood, Iowa State University

2019 Green Energy Challenege Video Competition

1st Place: Wayne State University

2nd Place: Illinois Institute of Technology

3rd Place: Iowa State University


2019 Judges

Tricia Ferry, VEC

Ronald Greaves, Panduit Corportation

Amanda Harbison, NECA

Angela Hart, Rosendin

Ted Robertson, Fisk Electric

Adam Rude, ERMCO

Greg Stewart, The Superior Group

Robert Turner, Turner Electric