Estimating With and Pricing of Prefabrication

Prefabrication is any activity or work moved away from the final point of installation to be performed in a controlled, hence safer, and more productive off-site environment. Pre-fab reduces the number of manipulations for final completion and installation on-site. Yet, today, fewer than 5% of electrical construction companies are using pre-fabrication.

Contractors need a practical way to track and quantify the benefits of prefab. Business owners, estimators, and  project managers need both confidence and knowledge about the cost-saving potentials of prefab so they can account for prefabrication when bidding potential work.

ELECTRI International commissioned MCA Inc. to conduct a deep-dive study of pre-fab to help the EC industry focus on risk mitigation, higher predictability of cost, quality of work, and profits. In addition to specific recommendations, the researchers produced an Excel-based Prefabrication Calculator to help contractors translate the total savings into an equivalent composite rate as a practical method for “pricing” estimates with prefab.

estimating with and pricing prefabrication video
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Pricing of Prefabrication calculator

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Heather Moore
Meik Daneshgari


MCA Inc.

Publication Date:

January 2021

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