ELECTRI: Preparing for the Next 20 Years
Industry research is performed to satisfy a need, solve a problem, or explore emerging opportunities. Applied research directions are generally established by trade organizations that fund the research projects. Research needs of organizations change over time. In addition to new technologies and trends, an organization’s needs also change as its membership grows and diversifies. An industry organization’s process to capture ideas for topics, evaluate proposals, fund and disseminate findings is critical to the quality of the research program and subsequently, to the long-term success of their industry sector.
This report presents the review of the research topics, process and the dissemination of research results by ELECTRI International. Through multiple work sessions, a membership survey of ELECTRI membership, and interviews with several construction industry research organizations; comprehensive data was obtained and analyzed for the recommended research process and dissemination methods. The data analysis was presented to the industry task force and subsequently to the entire ELECTRI membership and their feedback was received. It was evident that the current research process has worked very well so far but the time has come to refine it so that it maintains its relevance and helps increase member participation.